Camel and date

The right method includes not only the way to the goal but also motivation to go all the way. It is like to attach a date on a bite, sit on a camel and show the date to the camel. And the camel will follow the date. But from time to time you need to feed the date to a camel, not the whole one but piece-by-piece – to have enough of them for the whole way.

My dear friends, our bodies are like that camel – they need motivation to move forward. Sometimes we have to force them; sometimes we need to feed them a date. It is the basics of the theory motivation in Yoga. It is the one of the most magical parts of Yoga. It is about creating your own path in Yoga: how to combine “carrots and sticks”. You have “three camels”: the first is the gross body, which helps you to reach the subtle level; the second camel – subtle body – waits you there and should bring you to the next level; and the third one – which accompanies you to the end of the final level.

Usually a space ship needs three engines to reach the open space and then these engines falls off. It is also valid for your life – you should overcome three levels and then you reach the Space – Samadhi. So you need to make your own “spaceship”, your path – which helps you not to convert your life into violence on yourself. You need to create your own way of harmony: the perfect balance between forcing and relaxing yourself.

Pure pleasure

Imagine that you have already passed all three levels. When you pulled out Energy and Consciousness – they give you euphoria, ecstasy – that is pure Prana. You feel Prana as euphoria. There are some trance, ecstatic moments in Kriya Yoga. And the level of pleasure from this moments of Kriya Yoga is much higher than any kind of pleasure you can get from outside. It is very important to remember, a human being can’t reject pleasure. That’s why humanity has a lot of bad habits – it is an easy way to get pleasure. So if you want to get rid of bad habits you need to get more pleasure some other way. Kriya Yoga gives you that pleasure, and it gives you even more, because this pleasure is legitimate and helps you to make your spiritual evolution faster. Kriya Yoga is a base for numerous practices, which give euphoria.

Kriya Yoga is that very system, which lets us liberate Consciousness and Energy – or Prana in other words, which we consider as euphoria. The first step is getting everything from your gross body. When you finish with the physical level, you move to the next level and at that level you get much more euphoria that you could imagine at the physical level. Because our gross body has tight restrictions for euphoria.

When you finish the second level – the level of subtle body – the level of your thoughts and emotions, you move to the causal level. It is pointless to try to discuss causal level. The only thing we can say about this level – people, who reach this level start living “Here and Now”. They are calm, senciere and unconditionally happy. Nothing can disturb them, and nobody can make them to lose their mind. This level of euphoria is higher than the level of the subtle body. At some point it could be considered like euphoria which people get by using drugs. That’s why drugs are dangerous – they bring you to the casual level but bring you there only for a moment. But if a person feels the causal level once, he/she would do his/her best to reach it again and again. If a person enters this level by ussing drugs, he/she has to use them again and again. An each time the dose gets bigger. Drugs give you “undeserved happiness”, and it can easily ruin your life completely.

Questions and answers

Question: Is it possible to combine several kinds of yoga? If “Yes”, who should be my guide on this way?

Answer: Actually it is impossible to practice only one kind of Yoga. You always practice several kinds of Yoga at the same time. One kind of Yoga turns into another, and one kind of Yoga can be supplemented with another. Each person has his/her own life history, this is why each person chooses the practice for his/her personal needs.

It is good to have a guide on this way. But don’t count to find a Guru from Himalaya immediately. Your Karma is not so good yet. All real Gurus teach persons who have already practiced a lot. But always remember – if you take one step towards the Universe, the Universe takes thousand steps towards you. Start with yoga school and yoga teachers you can find next to you. If you can’t find a school or a teacher, you should begin using methods you can find. But – don’t wait for “the right moment.” Because “the right moment” is right here and right now. If you are going to wait – you fail. Use methods you can find, go to the nearest adequate teacher and start the process. During the process you will understand – is this your teacher or not… And then a miracle happens – you find your Teacher. If a student is ready, the Teacher is also ready. That is why – use what you have. If you don’t like your current school – leave it. Yoga is not a prison. Our Karma gets us what we deserve. Some people don’t have Karma good enough to meet with the Teacher. And at the same time they don’t try lift a finger – but are sitting and waiting for the Teacher knock at their door one fine day. Yoga is a unified science, but there are numerous of methods inside it.

Question: You said that by practicing Kriya we pull our Energy and Consciousness out of our three bodies. I can’t understand what we should do after it. Where we must transfer Energy and Consciousness?

Answer: There are some places to transfer your Energy and Consciousness. After you pull your Energy and Consciousness out from your subtle body you can transfer it to the Universe or to the other persons. If you transfer it to other persons you get superabilities.

I avoid talking about superabilities, because this topic attracts a lot of inadequate people. If there is no proper conditions, our causal body looks like being asleep. But as soon as we pull our Energy and Consciousness out from our subtle body – they move to the causal body. And causal body wakes up.

Our mind is a very complex mechanism, which consists of three parts: gross, subtle and causal bodies.

It is great to reach the level of the causal body but it doesn’t guarantee any magic to you. The last step is as hard as to stop identifying yourself with the gross body. But if there was no gross body, it would be a billion times more difficult to stop identify yourself with the causal body. Human body is preferable for rebirth. Why? There are a lot of different creatures existing around us. But only human body lets us to take the last step - to leave the causal body and join our Highest Self. They say, even gods envy people, because they have to rebirth in human bodies to achieve the final liberation.

Affecting the gross body helps us to stop identifying ourselves with the subtle body. Patanjali says: “Stop identify Self with Sattva.” Self is our Highest Self. Sattva is the level of the causal body.

For a very long time people have known the idea of air. Air is invisible, we can’t see it, we can’t feel it – but we die if we don’t have it around us. We can say the same about our causal body. On the last level we see our causal body as something clear and transparent, so it has qualities. If we see causal body, it means that the Highest intuition is turned on. But we have to overcome it and reach the last liberation. And we can reach it only if we have physical body at the beginning.

Question: I want to ask you about the method of Kriya Yoga. I mean what should I do exactly during my practice of Kriya Yoga to pull out Energy and Consciousness?

Answer: You don’t need to do anything but practice Kriyas. As in Hatha Yoga from time to time you reach different levels and different states. The same you will feel during the practice of Kriya Yoga. And step-by-step you reach the final liberation.

Question: Do you mean that by practicing Kriya Yoga we are moving from gross body to subtle body and from subtle body to the causal body.

Answer: Yes, you are right. You should keep this way. It is really complicated to explain. Just keep doing.

Question: Does it matter for a beginner how many circle of Kriya to practice? Does it influence the effect of Kriya Yoga?

Answer: The treatise about Kriya Yoga says, that when you learn reading at first you need to learn letters, then make words and then sentences. Kriya Yoga is the same.

If you practice Kriya at home, at first you should better to learn the first circle of Kriya, then add the second one, then the power kriyas. If you practice Kriya Yoga during a yoga class – forget this rule, because a yoga teacher should take care about everything. But if you study on your own, learn it bit by bit.

Question: Practicing Hatha Yoga we try to replace our thoughts with physical sensations. But as far as I understood – to have thoughts in Kriya Yoga is a good thing. Is it true?

Aswer: Hatha Yoga is not only about displacing thoughts. In the reality it is more complicated. A human being is a very complicated system: subtle intertwined with physical and vice versa. At the each level we have imprints of positive and negative Karma. It looks like “spaghetti”. Start pulling one thing and you will also have others coming along. But in general, it is the same as in Hatha Yoga – you need to immerse yourself in the feelings.

Последнее изменение: среда, 19 октября 2016, 10:25