
When you practice Kriya Yoga in resonance condition, you pull out the biggest part of your Consciousness and Energy, which were wasted before and leave just the small part of it to keep doing practice. So the practice of Kriya Yoga brings you the mental level. It transfers you inside your thoughts, emotions and memories.

Resonance is the internal harmony during practice of Kriya Yoga. Harmony lets you to forget about your physical body. There is no more excess energy in your gross body. It means that your physical body has enough energy for internal process but not for useless thoughts.

Each human being has gross (physical) body. We got it from our parents. These bodies need a certain amount of movements every single day. If we don’t get it, we have health problems. Kriya Yoga practice gives you the movements you need. The other side of Kriya Yoga – practicing Kriya Yoga day by day you change your body and in the future you won’t need these movements anymore.


It is like in the past crude iron could be produced only at 24-hours-working plants. Because if the process stopped, it was necessary to disassemble a whole melting furnace. Nowadays, because of the technological advances, it is possible to stop the melting process and run again without any problems. Our body works in a similar way. At the beginning you need to practice every day, and if you miss a day your Karma reaches you. But day-by-day practice changes your body. And in a course of time you reach the level, which lets you to stay without movements and feel great. This level is called “Siddhi”. Siddhi is a Sanskrit word, which can be translated as "perfection", "accomplishment", "attainment" or “success”.

All the highest Yoga teachers feel good, because they have changed their bodies. It lets them to move to the next level. Before we reach this level we need to keep practicing daily. Because we have to spend energy for changing our bodies and paying karmic debts. Kriya Yoga helps us to do it. It is like a precious gift for us.

Won’t I get addicted to yoga?

Sometimes people ask me – What is the goal of Yoga? The answer is – Freedom. The next question is – Why do you invite us to practice yoga every single day? What’s about freedom you told before if we have to do something? What will happen if I become a Yoga-addicted person? If I will not be able to live without Yoga? Is it Freedom? You told: “Practice Yoga – feel good; don’t practice – feel bad.” It sounds like a real addiction to a stimulator.

Rolling stone

I want to answer all these questions: “Yoga is a very good and natural stimulator. There is no contradiction between daily practice and freedom. Daily practice gives you Siddhi. Then Siddhi gives you a choice: continue your practice or not. Practicing yoga is like a stone, which you are rolling up the hill. As soon as you reach a top of a mountain and push it downhill - you don’t need to push it anymore. A stone rolls down the mountain by itself.  But to roll the stone to the top – you have to make efforts.

During Kriya Yoga practice you forget about your gross body and at the same time you change yourself. All your Energy and Consciousness is transferred to your feelings, memories and thoughts. You fall in it and it carries you. It happens naturally. All your feelings, memories and thoughts revolve around us. Some of them are interesting, some of them not. As usual it starts with common daily thoughts, then it switches to a more subtle level. You recall a lot of situations and feelings. You travel from gross body to subtle one. If you feel it, it means that you have advanced in Kriya Yoga. It means that you stop more or less identifying yourself with your gross body. The first you need to reach this level is to find your own rhythm (pace of practicing), resonance or in other words - harmony of practice.

Harmony! Harmony! Harmony! From inside.

This resonance or Harmony is very important, because it is harmony of all three types of your bodies: gross, subtle and causal. If you got resonance, you give a chance to reach the causal level. Remember – the key to success is Harmony. Pain and discomfort have nothing to do with Harmony. That’s why all the treatises about Kriya Yoga say: “If there is pain, there is no Kriya.”The common trap for beginners is a thought – the more I swing my hands and legs the better will be the result. Actually these movements are needed only to find your inner Harmony.

Sometimes people say, that they felt sick during/after practicing Kriya Yoga. It is a clear sign that he/she practices in the wrong way. If there is no internal harmony, all these movements are useless. It won’t to help move to the next level. Remember – if you feel sick, feel pain or discomfort during your Kriya Yoga practice you should stop immediately, because it is not Kriya Yoga. You should feel internal harmony throughout the practice!

Последнее изменение: среда, 19 октября 2016, 10:24