The first, the second and the third principles of yoga. Dharma

Yoga decision making algorithm in difficult moments of life

  1. First, we remember that we are free and generally speaking, we can do whatever we like. And come up with all possible solutions.
  2. After that, we understand that we have a duty and our responsibility to others who suppressed their own freedom for us and that they have been kind to us. We must realize, what our duty is, and fulfil our duty as a starting point for further reflection on the decision making.
  3. We put our solution through the first principle of yoga in conjunction with our personal duty or debt, declining all the options that do not satisfy this principle.
  4. We review the remaining solutions through the second principle of yoga, declining all the options that do not satisfy this principle.
  5. If we go by fast methods of yoga, then review all the rest of your solutions through the third principle of yoga, discarding all the options that do not satisfy this principle.
  6. Then, if we still have a few options left as the solution, and we do not know which one to choose, we can ask the opinion of a reputable person or get know the opinion of the majority of people.
  7. Then, whatever option were put aside after all the previous steps, we still remember that we are free and can accept the decision that we want even though during the decision taking process it was declined due to some reasons.

Main principles of Yoga

Now let's grind materials of previous lessons, namely the technology or algorithm for decision-making in yoga, or answers to the questions in yoga.

And it was wonderful to make such a remark that before giving an answer to a particular question, or to act under the pressure of the first, the second or even the third principle of yoga, we always must remember that the fundamental basis of our universe is the fact that we are free. The word “freedom” is just a word. It just seems that we understand and feel it. This word is like a bridge to infinity. On the one side of this bridge there are habitual associations, or episodes from the life, on the other hand – superlogic (or also supreme logic) reality of existence. Therefore, on the one hand, the concept of freedom is extremely specific, and on the other hand, extremely abstract. And if we take freedom away from yoga then there is absolutely nothing left from yoga. There are many sets of mental and physical exercises. There is the greatest set of principles of how to live and what not to do.


But we are not robots. Absolute has made us by own image and likeness - free. And so any decision-making algorithm, any attempt to answer the question from the standpoint of the first, the second, the third principle of yoga - it"s just an attempt to help you in the spiritual evolution. Remember, that yoga does not want to take your freedom away from you.

Let it be a distinctive feature of all our Open Yoga students that before you make a decision, first of all, remember that you are free. Absolutely free! Nothing and no one has the right to dictate to you anything. This is the first thing you should always remember. Different rules may eventually cease to operate. And then you're like a robot with incorrectly laid down program.

Freedom and it’s reverse side

The very first thing in yoga, you should remember is the fact, that you are always free. But then there is the second part of the reality of life - the responsibility, the reverse side of freedom. At the time of the decision making process you remember, that you have not fallen from the moon, you have had a previous life, the previous karma, previous relationships and your previous lifestyle, which forms your debt (or duty). And this is very important.

So, first: Absolute made me free. And I can think of a huge number of options for how to act in any given situation. But secondly, I"m here. My mom and dad had to dress and feed me long before I could think and understand that I am free. I live in my country that also gives a lot of care. I have a duty to the country. My friends put up with my brazen antics, my wife suffered my intolerable behaviour. Here you add your own list. And so, going through all your life until now, you know that the rest of the people around you, they are also free. But they squeezed their freedom for the sake of you. So automatically appears the notion of duty. Duty is that starting point, in which I am in the moment of decision. And already then comes into play the first and the second principles of yoga.

The way to go

I have a starting point in which I am, I have a problem which I must solve, or choose the way which to go. I remember the first principle of yoga and the second principle of yoga. Why do I remember them? Note: freedom, then duty, and then the first, the second principles of yoga. I use the first principle of yoga and cut off a part of wrong decisions from the perspective of the first principle of yoga. Then I apply the second principle of yoga and cut off a part of the decisions that it does not satisfy. There is a narrow path of DHARMA solutions that simultaneously satisfy the first and the second principles. Somebody has a wide, somebody has a narrow path …I still have a certain number of options. After that, if I practice fast yoga methods, I have to remember about the third principle of yoga and weed out some of the solutions, through the third sieve of the third principle of yoga. At the output I get much smaller number of solutions, opportunities of somehow to do.

Do you understand the meaning of everything that was said before? Or partially? Let me repeat this scheme once again, it is a very important thing. Once, during the war they invented kind of analogue computer. It was a very useful thing - to calculate very complex numbers. And now you have your own cell phone. Life has changed qualitatively. That is exactly the same in yoga. Yoga can give us some kind of tool, and if you learn how to use this tool, you will qualitatively change your life. And yoga is wide and complex area and you should learn it for very long time, but there is something you can adopt right now, in particular - this decision making algorithm. That is, if you opt for the habit to skip all through this algorithm, the probability of making mistakes will decline considerably. This does not mean that you stop doing stupid things. But the percentage of stupidity will cut down.

Algorithm by heart

So, start to use this algorithm right now. You need first to hear, then to learn by heart, then to meditate long, try to apply, and then to teach others, and maybe then you will master this method. So, let us repeat it again.

Main mantra in yoga

The very first thing you start with is to remember, that you are human and not a computer that needs some algorithm. You already are free at this very moment. But you cannot take advantage of your freedom because of your ignorance. But, nevertheless, to rule out the fact that you are free means to complicate your life in the future. So, this factor of freedom was the main mantra of awareness in yoga. It is pronounced in different ways, like "Tat Tvam Asi", "You Are That" or “That you are” and the word "That" means the Absolute, or absolute freedom. The word "That" is the principle that gave birth to this universe. "That" is Someone Who Made All and, accordingly, who can change everything as wishes. Therefore, there are people, who come to India from the West and say: I found an old man, a long time I was sitting at his feet, and he gave me the mantra "You Are That." And disgruntled American arrives and cannot understand this situation. He wanted to get more "real" teachings of yoga. And he actually got a distillation of all knowledge of yoga.

But we must keep telling ourselves:
"You Are That, You Are Free" or "I Am That, I Am Free."

And so, once again, you must always remember - you are free, you are not robots. But on the other hand, the centuries-old experience of mankind tells us, that if we use the ancient experience, we will make fewer errors, when we will be able to reopen our Higher Self, our omniscience, omnipotence, and so on. So, let’s use our freedom at full extent. But first let’s learn how to do it maximum effectively using this algorithm.


The very first thing is remember that we are free.

Second - we remember that we have not fallen from the moon, that some people gave up their freedom to enable us to realize our own one. Therefore, there is the notion of duty.

Then we put the situation through the first principle of yoga.

All that is left we put into the second one. Pass through the second principle of yoga.

All that is left we put through the third principle of yoga when practicing fast or advanced methods. We can stop at the second if we go by the so-called classical way of yoga.

If at the output one solution is left, it is better to choose this alternative. Nevertheless, for the second time we remind to ourselves that we are free and we can choose any of these alternatives. We are free in everything, even to do silly things. This is our nature. The more complex version is when after the first and the second principles of yoga we apply the third principle of yoga. So, the number of solutions is even smaller. At the end we again remember that we are free, we choose something or reject all solutions and act differently.

If you apply it to life, according to yoga, the probability of frustration, of not getting what we want, of reducing our freedom in the future, is significantly decreasing.

Importance of debt in the decision algorithm

The algorithm of decision-making without the concept of debt "hangs" in the air.

Without the starting point we are not able to find the treasure. Also, without awareness of your personal duty (also debt) you cannot apply in your life the first, the second and the third principles of yoga.

The notion of duty is the binding of all developments of yogic knowledge to you personally, personally to your life, to your situation. Without it there is nothing to talk about. Why? Because without binding to the debt algorithm becomes inapplicable in life. So I beg you, do not forget about the duty. Duty is a wonderful thing. If we remember our duty and build each step according to it, we have less chance to make a critical error in the decision making in life and, consequently, to get a negative result.

Debt and duty can be different for different people.

Algorithm of decision-making and extreme situations

Even during the extreme situations (e.g. war) we can use this algorithm. If the war begins it is necessary to remember first of all, that you are free. You can take part in war; you can hide in the forest, etc. But the second, what you recall, according to the algorithm, is your debt and duty. It can be your duty to your parents, to your country, your natural or received abilities and so on. Then you put this duty through the first, the second, and maybe the third principles of yoga in different situations, which can be difficult enough, and by the end of your decisions you remember about your absolute freedom.

Algorithm of decision-making and intuition

Is there some place to intuition, or does this algorithm allow only logic? Here we must to distinguish among concepts of logic, supreme logic and illogic. When we remember, that we are free, we use supreme logic or intuition. When we remember about our debt and duty as well as three principles, we connect logic to our decisions. Sometimes it is complex enough to determine, if we deal with supreme logic or with illogic. In this case we use logic first of all. It destroys everything that is illogical. But it is not able to differ if we have to deal with supreme logic.

Algorithm of decision-making and freedom

What is it necessary for to remember about our freedom? We should maintain some chance for supreme logic to appear in our life. Supreme logic and illogicality are difficult to determine. But remembering about our debt (duty), about three principles of yoga is an attempt to separate supreme logic and foolishness. But, on the other hand we are free to choose both wise and foolish ones.

The voice of the people

If you are in doubt about your decision, you may ask the opinion of people you trust and see what majority of them chooses. It is the factor of Macrocosm, the way of talking with the Absolute. Most often the Absolute appears through people. Some proverbs say like: “the voice of the people is the voice of God”. But be careful; don’t listen to the opinion of the crowd. Determine these two opportunities. When you have made your decision, don’t forget to remember, that you are free.

Axiomatic and decision-making algorithm

Student: I would like to add here that decision logic is axiomatic. Absolute, creating everything was absolutely free. What do we remember in the algorithm? -The fact that we are absolutely free. Then everything goes absolutely in compliance with macrocosm or microcosm. The first principle is a pure squeeze of the macrocosm. The second principle is logic, our work with karma. The third principle I do not take into account now though it is a combination of microcosm and macrocosm.

Open Yoga: We can imagine such a picture in our mind.The first principleis one big mountain, the second principle of yoga is the second large mountain, and the path between the mountains is our dharma, passing through which we minimally violate the first principle of yoga and as much as possible we fulfil the second principle. The third principle of yoga you can imagine as you do not go down the path, but fly on a plane or on a rocket, first along the path, and then make a sharp up and go to such a height, where two Mountains, two principles of yoga remain far below, and in front of you is space. You do not even have any restrictions.

Axiomatics – basic yoga theory

The decision algorithm is completely axiomatic. There is one good analogy here. There are different laws of nature, there is a law of universal gravitation, Newton"s apple falls to the ground, there are other laws defining factors of our world, for example, air resistance or friction force, or something else. Knowing all these laws, for example, we can build an aircraft, or a rocket. In fact, what is a plane or a rocket? It is a successful combination of different laws in one device. It turns out as the efficiency factor. And decision-making algorithm is also the efficiency factor. If we do not even know the axioms of yoga, but if we work it out by this decision-making algorithm technology, we can help ourselves greatly.

There is a great rule: "Learn, learn and learn with determination." Let me once again "run" through the yogic decision algorithm.

What yoga begins with? It starts with the fact that you are free. You are free right now, right here, but you do not know it, because freedom means freedom even from knowing it. More precisely, it is the only one opportunity to give you freedom without burdening by pre-knowledge.

Absolute freedom

If Absolute has created each one of you and whispered in your ear that you are free, oddly enough, the Absolute would have limited our freedom. What if you would like to be free in terms of ignorance? Therefore, it is quite complicated logical connection. We paid for the inner freedom with the fact that we don’t know it, but freedom didn’t go away. We know what freedom is, and we are free only from the words of those yogis and yoginis, who have implemented in their lives this knowledge and have whispered it in our ears. But they have whispered only to those who wished to hear it.

Particular, all those who present here today, yesterday, last week, five years ago wished to come into contact with such a serious system like yoga and to accept it. Otherwise, if you wished, that there is no freedom, there is no Higher Self, there is no Absolute, you would have continued to live without this. But once you made a wish to accept it. And the awareness that you are free even based on the words said by someone else already makes you powerful.

Freedom amplifier and present situation

The algorithm of decision-making itself is in some sense a kind of amplifier of your freedom. Anyway, you know that it is so. You can rush, take it or not, argue or not, but the seed is put in soil. But you remember that in the past you lived a long life and wished for variety of laws to be manifested in your universe, including the laws that you are not free. As a result of these laws you did different actions, which turned out badly for you, your family and friends, people around, which is essentially the same thing. And all this is called negative karma. You took advantage of the original freedom wrong, thought out different laws, under the influence of these laws you did actions, now you are reaping the results of these actions. As a result of all this karma has formed, both positive and negative, or, in other words, such a notion of duty. It means, you did not just fall from the moon, as a clean sheet of paper, on which nothing is written. You all have had the background. And this is actually the background that determines the current situation or gives a starting point from which it is necessary to apply the higher knowledge that you are free. You will still hear once that you are free. And you need a reference point from which to apply this higher knowledge. And so that's the moment that you first remember that you are free - is extremely important, it is neither more nor less than the initiation into yoga.

Initiation in yoga

Do you think that initiation into yoga is something fantastic, where all fly in the air? No, sometimes dedication into yoga is just the idea that you do not even realize at first. Nothing like that. If somebody told you, that you are free, the seed is put in the soil, and in the future it will begin to grow and it will give you the freedom. But it is necessary to use that freedom properly in terms of what you already have, hence is forming your debt. Then it is instructed to apply the principles of yoga. Not abstract, general, but according to your current situation.


If you have an opportunity not to make bad things, then don’t.

For example, if you are working in the police, you can apply sometimes violence, for example, in the fight. In this case there is nothing to doubt, this first principle of yoga is not violated. Generally, this absolutely great idea is reflected in one ancient Indian source, it is called "Bhagavad Gita" – the part of "Mahabharata", this idea with is almost the basic idea of “Bhagavad Gita”. Therefore, if you do not fully understand the concept of Duty, Freedom, Dharma, the first principle, the second principle, etc., find the "Bhagavad Gita" and read it. We have it better known in connection with certain religious movements, but, it is an ancient epic, it is in and of itself. By some religious groups it is well commented, by others - not so well, by the thirds – very badly, but this source does not become less important for the history of mankind, so it would be good to read and to explore it all.

So, use this algorithm in your life. It is a very effective method.

It is a very great help for you, even in the most difficult situations.

Our code of conduct

But developed standards (i.e. laws) that have come to you from the authoritative evidence are accepted uncritically, and they help because there is no time to form this set of rules without any assistance. If we have reached the level of awareness of the first, the second and the third principles of yoga, then yes, we have already our own laws. But to achieve this level we have to apply them and live by them. And what to do before we have not accepted them? It is advisable to use some kind of alien code of honour that we read, and we like. Even if it is not perfect - it"s better than nothing.

Yoga does not invent laws of the universe, they already exist. The humanity is coming to the same laws through the formation of the legislative framework of a country. There have been many attempts to create such a field, starting with the known laws of Manu to contemporary set of laws. If we analyze and compare, we can conclude, that any code, any law, any constitution is actually the result of applying of the yogic decision algorithm. There is no contradiction. Sometimes we need a very long time to think, how to act in different situations, using three principles of yoga, but much easier it is sometimes to look into the existing codes and laws, and it will be a kind of starting point.

Times change and different laws of society change (while universal laws stay the same). There were more difficult times – there were brutal laws, times have changed, and the laws are still the same. So you have to adjust them in our personal life. And here again it is necessary to remember yogic decision making algorithm with embedded within it concept of freedom.

Последнее изменение: воскресенье, 25 декабря 2016, 21:15