About time, opportunities, taking care of someone, and hatha yoga.

About time, opportunities, taking care of someone, and hatha yoga.

от Veranika Antanevich -
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When something pleasant and positive happens, of course, you appreciate such moments. But over time, you stop reflecting on them for too long because you know that you need to continue working on yourself. I don't want to waste time.


The more karma work I do, the more opportunities come to me from other areas which are not even related to yoga. The universe takes care of us.


It's nice taking care of others. However, it is crucial to remember that taking care of someone should always go together with the freedom of another person's will. Freedom is sacred. Any attempt to infringe on the manifestations (Energy and Consciousness) of another person can be perceived by that person as death. After all, if we cannot manifest ourselves, do we exist at all? We all know that our Higher Self is not our manifestations. However, do we truly believe in it,  and could we truly let our manifestations go at the current level of our spiritual development? Although, I shouldn't speak for everyone.


Hatha yoga is great! How satisfying it is to work with my body, feel better and watch my body transform.