a look at practices and the law of Karma

a look at practices and the law of Karma

от Иван Шахкаламов -
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Studying the theory and philosophy of yoga, some provisions become obvious; they accompany many life processes and phenomena. For example, the principle of cause and effect relationships in everything.

The practice of yoga gives you the freedom and power to find harmony in the world around you. While doing any exercises, be it hatha, pranayama, kriya, mantra yoga, we, in fact, inflict something on ourselves, on our body groups, and then follow.. The sensations, the processes that occur as a result. If we simply inflict something on ourselves, then we get, for example, sports or breathing exercises. But if after that we direct effort, attention, consciousness to feel what follows after this, then we get to know this aspect of the world order, learn, develop our abilities, and thus acquire power, control to some extent. We become harmonious with the principle of the causal structure of the world. We cause, we follow - we develop this aspect within ourselves, we harmonize with it.

Karma is a kind of imprint of distortions in causes and effects, relevant and inappropriate. We perceive them as good or negative karma. And the practice of yoga, as a process of "cause-follow" cycles, gives us the freedom to live harmoniously and without distortions. And that means to go beyond the limits of karma, to be freer.