Time - this is the most irreplaceable factor of life

Another major factor of the learning process is the time spent on learning. From the first steps of your training with us we wish you to learn how to appreciate time. We invite you to follow time that you spent on the lessons, tests, homework, practice and so on. The most optimum way to do it is to indicate it in your yoga diary. All this is done for you to learn how to "feel time", to have a clear intuitive sense of time. Good time managment is essential skill of personality.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of modern people can hardly imagine how to spend their lifetime wisely. Only a few people are aware of how much time they spend on one or another activity, for example, how much time they spend on social networks. As a result, on some things they spend too much time and there is insufficient time for other things that might be even more important. Yoga teaches us that in our lives there is enough time to fulfill all the goals. But there is no time for unnecessary, inappropriate things. A large number of different problems in life, ranging from material and ending with spiritual ones, is caused by the inability to navigate in time of our lives. Sometimes people think that problems in their life are caused by so-called "bad karma." In fact, everything is far more simple, but in few words it happens because a person shows carelessness in the use of time. That is, if there is a negative karma as they say, it manifests itself in the inability to recognize the time factor.

A man works, when there is a need to relax and rests when there is need to work. On some things there is more time spent on than it should be. Yoga teaches that everybody needs relevance, harmony or a sense of the Universe rhythm. All this follows from the so-called law of Rita, which is the fundamental law of the Ancient Vedas, the cradle of yoga. Many people, who begin to study with us, sometimes express dissatisfaction about necessity of counting time. They think that it is wasting of their time. We apologize for the inconvenience to you. We have to go for it, because otherwise you will not be able to get a good result during the studies, especially when exploring higher sections of yoga, such as "advanced kinds of yoga". Slight discomfort now will bring to success in the future. We have experienced this very often.

It is suggested to pass courses in reasonable length of time. Thus, you will have the best results. Evaluation of time will allow you to be proud of the time that you spent with benefit and to avoid wasting it. And it will also help us to see how much time is required for each course and might indicate on necessary changes.

Historically, people do not like to think about time, and this is the root of many problems in life. It is not important that you have spent a lot or a little time for some kind of activity, it is important to be aware of it. Courses are designed to learn how to appreciate your time. If you can feel the time you can develop the right rhythm of life and get closer to understanding the grand harmonious laws of the universe. Any disrespect to this rhythm causes a lot of trouble.

If we keep on delaying things for "tomorrow" this tomorrow never comes. Many efforts are required to get out of this swamp. Time is the most irreplaceable factor in life and in human development. We know examples where a very capable people could not overcome this challenge. Only thing that helps in this situation is strict discipline and planning.

... don’t look down on seconds ....

  • There are 24 hours a day. In a normal year there are 365 days and accordingly 365x24 = 8760 hours. The average life expectancy in developed countries is around 80 years. Thus, the average life expectancy is 80x8760 = 700,800 hours. Or rounded to 700,000 hours. What does it mean? The average man has:
  • 700,000 hours to become immortal.
  • 700,000 hours to prepare for the next life if he/she does not want to be immortal.
  • 700,000 hours to fulfill all plans. OR
  • 700,000 hours to do nothing.
  • 700,000 hours to change the world for the better. OR
  • 700,000 hours to parasite on society.
  • 700,000 hours to have good life. OR
  • 700,000 hours to suffer from a bad life and to blame others.

Is it a lot or a little for us to have 700,000 hours? A lot, if we use them wisely. Very little, if we waste them. In some yogic texts it is said, that there were precedents, when people achieved higher states in three months or 30x3x24 = 2160 hours. On the other hand, we still meet the recommendation not to live 80 years, but at least 108 sacred years. But the most important thing is not how many years a person lived, but how was it done. Give a moment and think what you want to do and write it down in your yoga diary. Include this time in the time of yoga practice.

Last modified: Monday, 19 April 2021, 9:53 PM