The "WOW" effect

The "WOW" effect

от Alena Gimalova -
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The "WOW" effect

1. I work and got my first salary. 2. I have implemented another project of my own. 3. Love, love in everything.


We had snow and I didn't have the effect of "UWAUUU", everything was ordinary and standard to me. I remembered Vadim's lecture, which I watched on the eve, and it was all about it. So I realized that I don't want to live like this yet, I want this "wow" effect from the first snow, from all the special effects of nature, I like to feel it and I'm not ready to say goodbye to my naivety. At work, my colleague took my massage technique and felt the "wow" effect, he liked doing massage, and for me it was ordinary, and now I will return my feelings and emotions, I will learn new techniques of working with the body and learn more of my capabilities. 


Yoga inspires me to a new movement, new knowledge, new feats. 


I thank my mentor Larisa for her support, meet her is a jewel. I'm learning to come up with questions and not answer them right away, it's difficult for me. I thank my classmates, I looked through the missed SZ and received a lot of bhava, I was online at the full-time group and also received bhava, I thank our and not our curators for their work, aspirations and experience. I thank all students for the experience broadcast on the forum. It's valuable.


I'm super good. I took a new karma job and will continue to do it. I still have the old one and I'm doing it too. I listen to lectures, read new topics, take notes, prepare for exams.
