Feelings in yoga, practice

Feelings in yoga, practice

от Ekaterina Kossitsina (Uma) -
Количество ответов: 0

For a long time in practice, I had no sensations, there was no pleasure, nothing, I did it mechanically, because I had to do it. Why did such a stage in life occur. And lately they've been coming back. During the last practice of hatha yoga, I very clearly felt the energy, how it bent the body, how the muscles stretched, in fact, I didn’t even control it, it was some kind of silt, quite powerful. It's like me and not me at the same time. There was even a feeling of some kind of lack of control, it's great. Contact with the new, the unknown. Would like to experience it again. And lately the body asks to be engaged, it leans directly to the rug, it's nice to feel that something is coming back)