Karma yoga, realization

Karma yoga, realization

от Ekaterina Kossitsina (Uma) -
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Karma yoga is amazing. No, first of all, I suddenly realized one thing: earlier I thought that everything here is somehow simple, there is no depth, there are no techniques that will make you happy and free tomorrow. And then I realized that everything complex is explained in a very simple way. And that yoga does not provide ready-made solutions, but provides tools. This is such a depth .. So, about karma yoga. We are studying this topic, we went through it earlier, everything seemed somehow not practical and simple. Work ... And here, apparently, the student is ready and the information fits into his head correctly.

And what is interesting, I again see what I have lived all my life, I have always believed that work should benefit people, that we all benefit each other, that there is no need to shift our responsibilities to anyone, run away, shirk. It is necessary to treat the work correctly - honestly, conscientiously, with interest. I have always been passionate about what I do, with full dedication. By the way, at work it’s the same for me now, the working day has already ended, but I’m still doing work.

And I really liked that Job is a great chance. This is my personal chance that the Universe gave me to cleanse myself and become better. It was also shocking that we do not cling to positive karma, we only use it as a springboard, on the one hand, to jump to a higher level and go beyond karma. And we neutralize the negative with it. And from the Bible, Turn the other cheek, apparently, the meaning here is that do good, do not show aggression, restrain yourself, even though everything is in full swing and wish happiness to all living beings. I would like to listen to all the seminars again in order to understand it all more fully.

Well, in fact, you can work honestly, conscientiously and purify yourself with this, move spiritually, this is a direct discovery, you don’t need to do something special, but living your life and watching your actions you already do yoga and you don’t have to go far into the mountains