What for should we study primary sources?

What for should we study primary sources?

от Елена Безникина -
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What for should we study primary sources? Imagine life thousands of years ago... People are absolutely sure that the Earth is flat. But it steal had the shape of a ball. People just didn't have the right knowledge. And it took thousands of lives to find out the truth. We already know in the first grade that the Earth is round. And now we have no doubts about this knowledge, but in those distant times people died for this knowledge. Of course, we can rediscover everything ourselves, test the effect of various principles on ourselves. And this is also a worthy path, but a very long one. We can experiment with our body, or we can take an anatomy and physiology textbook. We can meditate on a falling apple for years or take a physics textbook. 

How far will society go if we do not use the achievements of our predecessors? What will be the quality of knowledge? Will you go to a psychologist who is based only on personal experience and has not even heard of Freud and other founders? And to the surgeon who studied only his own body? As a result, if we use the wisdom of our ancestors, the experience of thousands of years of research, we get the speed and quality of knowledge.

Here is another visualization for understanding. From point A to point B, we can go straight along the trodden path, or we can take a roundabout way, wasting time and effort. Here we can imagine the central channel connecting the energy of Kundalini and Consciousness. And around the side channels and numerous smaller ones. Along the side Nadis, the energy will also reach consciousness, but how much of it will be spent on this path and how long will it take? On the Sushumna, it will proceed straight ahead without loss or delay. 

Yoga does not call us to belive everythink, but calls to be logical and efficient. Check any gained knowledge with logic and do not waste time in vain.