Our Universe is dynamic and changeable and how to relate to this and other realizations

Our Universe is dynamic and changeable and how to relate to this and other realizations

от Ekaterina Kossitsina (Uma) -
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The week was busy. In the meantime, the English mantra finally reached me, which I am very happy about. I understood its deep meaning and effect. The lecture said that in order to achieve perfection, one must go through the stages of Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. I understood why, for example, it’s impossible to switch to a certain type of nutrition and not rush about with my wishes and breakdowns, because I didn’t pass, didn’t play enough with pleasure, it pulls, you constantly think about it .. Everything has its time, this is deep meaning. You have to fit in like a puzzle in accordance with your indicators. Find your own in life, find yourself, and then give up. And in fact, not to refuse, but a moment comes when it disappears by itself, like a child has played enough with toys, he does not need them, he does not tear himself away from them, does not lose, does not suffer, but it simply leaves painlessly. We also touched on the question of the variability of the universe, ourselves, the world, life, the goddess Dhumavati. and it shocked me, because I have been constantly thinking about it lately, I see that something is happening in the world, it is changing, I see that I am changing internally and externally and the mind resists this, but this is inevitable and you just need to accept it , as a given, not to accept, but to accept. And before my eyes a picture of a shift of colors appeared and it moves and does not stop, every moment is a different picture, and in life. But we are not ready for this and this causes discomfort and rejection. I have lived with these concepts for a long time, I am ready for changes and I always say that in a minute everything changes, I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, I can plan, but I cannot be sure that it will be so and understand that this is normal. and another moment, Remembrance and its meaning, I used to remember events very clearly, in detail, in numbers, and the truth is, it immerses me somewhere, I find myself not here. And you can use this for your own good, for example, not to cycle on experiences, but to immerse yourself in something positive, to live it.