Basic principles of yoga. First & second yoga principle.

How do you make your decisions? Do you follow pure logic or trust only your heart? Do you ever analyze your decisions? Yoga highly evaluates freedom, including when making different decisions. Yoga also offers specific sequence how to make the best possible decisions. In this lesson you will find out more about this algorithm.



Connection of the First and the Second Principle of Yoga

Yoga is ancient and modern teaching at the same time. It offers non-aging methods for people to become happy. Each yogi needs to stand strong on basic yoga principles and terms. Thereby this course is devoted to the following topics:
  • Fundamental yoga principle: Principle of kindness and Principle of efficiency
  • Understanding the duty and Dharma
  • Connection and contradictions between fundamental yoga principles
  • Decision making and yoga. Formula for better decisions
  • Review of some questions asked by Open Yoga students