Pranayama Yoga for Beginners. Pranayama Breathing Techniques.

Pranayama for Beginners - Learn About the Practice - How to Start Pranayama?

It is very exciting you learn Pranayama yoga! There are so many possibilities offered by our ability to breath. Breathing lets us to be here and now. It is incredible. Without breathing there is no life. If we learn to breathe properly we receive immediate positive reaction in many areas of our life. Pranama is the next recommended step after physical kinds of yoga –e.g. Hatha yoga! Why so? Find it out during the course.



Scientists and doctors have proven positive impact of breathing exercises. At the smallest of them is stress reduction that bothers 99% of people in the world. However, Pranayama is beyond this simple fact of breathing. It is direct link to our initial vital energy Prana.

Basic Pranayama Breathing tehcnics.

This course on Pranayama will open you the doors to this exciting world. Would you like to know what topics are we going to study? Let us name only a few:
  • Introduction to Pranayama yoga or Basic Pranayama

  • What is Prana and pranayama?

  • Pranayama vs. simple breathing exercises

  • Pranayama and other kinds of yoga

  • Let’s see how Prana works

  • What does it mean if somebody has high or low level of Prana?

  • Are there and dangerous aspects related to Pranayama practice?

  • How can we increase our life energy?

  • Practical moments to take into account during the practice of Pranayama?

  • Practicing of Pranayama in modern conditions of life

  • Risk management for Pranayama practitioners

This course on Pranayama yoga contains tests for verification of the material you will have studied. Access to the next step is granted after successful completion of the test.

Free on-line Pranayama studies

Never before yoga and pranayama knowledge have been so available!

Remember this course is for serious studies of yoga. To ensure successful and complete understanding of this Pranayama course, it is regarded that the student has completed the previous courses on what is yoga, basic yoga principles, fundamental yoga theory, kinds of yoga in a sequence of offered on the site of It is also recommended to practice Hatha yoga and Kriya yoga at least twice a week to prepare body for Pranayama breathing exercises. Open Yoga also offers Masterclass of Pranayama yoga to review this topic in more detail and to receive practical recommendations for practice.