Dear yoga student! This document is not a formality but a serious work!

Please read this information before filling out the homework form! 

How is the homework graded? If a Student has filled in all the required *) fields, leaving none of them blank or with canned responses and has added his/her photo to the profile ( registration), the grade will be 100%. 

It is acceptable to write ‘I don’t know’, ‘I haven’t found any’, ‘I cannot answer this’ in some sections where you do not know what to respond. If some fields are left blank and/or the Student’s name is obviously a combination of numbers (e.g. ‘123 sdgfsdfg’), then, at the curator’s discretion, 1% of the grade can be subtracted for each field. You may also use nickname but also your certificates will contain it.

You may correct and upload the edited Homework again at any time and it will be graded again.

How to compress your photo for Forum. In order no to overload our course servers, please ensure that your photographs are the smallest size possible, no larger than 40 Kb. Ideally, they should be 20-30 Kb. If you do not know how to compress your photo, you can use specific websites that will do it for you. For example,

Your suggestions. You may participate in the future of the courses. This will help to make the course look and work better and be more convenient and at the same time you may express your creative potential! If so, please send your suggestions and/or creative work to with subject „My suggestions/Creative work for Openyoga”.

Regular course cleanups. Tests and homework grades. The number of students who have enrolled in our courses is thousands of people from dozens of countries. This all creates a serious load for both the servers and the software of the courses. The most difficult situation is with testing and storing of huge volumes of temporary information necessary for students’ records. It all slows down the system and hinders the study process for new students. For this reason we have to ‘clean up’ the courses every now and then, deleting all the temporary information and moving all the important data to the archive. So if you find that your test grades, homework, etc. are suddenly gone in a course you have already finished, do not worry. It is most likely because of the course cleanup, when all the data were moved to the archive.

The only problem that can sometimes occur is if you only have passed some tests and have not turned in the homework for about 6 months, and your data may be deleted. If so, appreciate this fact as a chance to review material and pass the tests again and thus memorize the material better. Yoga teaches us 'Turn defeat into victory'.   

This work will take some time. Please be patient! The first homework is the longest one and then they become shorter.

* Required fields. Other fields are optional.

You can copy your completed homework assignments to this forum so that other students can hear about you.

You could also send us your photos on the forum. This is very helpful in communication.

How to compress your photo for Forum. In order no to overload our course servers, please ensure that your photographs are the smallest size possible, no larger than 40 Kb. Ideally, they should be 20-30 Kb. If you do not know how to compress your photo, you can use specific websites that will do it for you. For example,

Last modified: Thursday, 22 April 2021, 11:28 PM