Tantra Kriya Yoga

Kriya yoga treatise

1. He, my Teacher  - „The Joyful” and she, my Teacher, „The Most Beautiful”. My respect to them.

2.This is the teaching of kriya yoga given by the great Teachers

3. By the grace of my Teachers this treatise has been given for those glorious yogis, who have not yet found their Master in Kriya yoga, but are full of determination and courage to burn their karma, or for those who have learned Kriya yoga, but want to learn its multiple secrets.

4. All the necessary descriptions are given in this treatise, so do the exercises as they are presented here. If the description does not explain something, and you, o, Yogi, do not know what to do, then do as you want and as you can. If something is not said here then it is at your own discretion. The same exercise can be done in different ways, but lead to the same result.

5. Oh, student, know that each exercise is called «kriya». Number of kriyas, given to us by the Teachers is enormous. All kriyas are divided into the entry kriyas and the basic kriyas and power kriyas. The meaning of “kriya” is to do, to purify and to correct what has been done wrong (i.e. negative karma). Remember that it kriya yoga the sequence is important as it unties the knots of karma.

6. During the practice the most important thing is a continuous sense of harmony within ourselves.

7. Anything that interferes with this harmony must be ruthlessly discarded, whether excessive force or sickness, or wrong thoughts or doubts or lack of concentration on inner feelings.

8. By doing Kriya, forget about your physical body and go to the subtle body, then go to the causal body and then cast away the causal body, to become the master of Prana.

9. Learn Kriyas in the order they are set out in this treatise. In the future, you can change the sequence in accordance with your needs. Just as you learn the letters through the repetition of the alphabet, in the same way you learn kriyas through the repetition of the kriya sequence – rounds of kriya. Later when the letters are known, you can create words from them. It is the same with Kriya yoga when you learn the alphabet of kriyas you can put together your own exercises.

10. Repeat each kriya for a fixed duration (while you do 108 repetitions of Kriya mantra, which is about 75 seconds) or a fixed number of times (for example, 27 times), or use these two methods at the same time.

11. Keep your Kriya Mantra in a secret. It is Shakti herself, there is no doubt about it.

12. If you want to get a healthy beautiful body, do kriya dressed in the sky and may the bad weather does not scare you.

13. While practicing kriya, avoid talking, keep silence, try to do it in a place where nobody will disturb you and nothing will distract by its presence.

14. If there is no suitable place, do your practice anywhere, do not pay attention to anybody. So you can subdue the energies of this place.

15. Do not wait for a favorable time for the practice of Kriya yoga. Start to implement it immediately. If you do not do yoga, time is your enemy. If you do yoga, time will protect you.

16. When you achieve success in the conventional kriyas, then you can perform the transition kriyas: the pranic Kriyas, the Kriyas of the Union and other kinds for the initiated.

17. There is a movement around the same ultimate truth in this magical world of perpetual change. Just approaching it, you will attain a happy calm enlightenment. If you stop before reaching the ultimate truth, you must know that the pain will come soon.

18. Oh, glorious yogi, you have to be wise and find your own rhythm of Kriya. Remember, if you will move too slowly, your bad karma will catch you and you will suffer. And if you will move too fast, then you take your own bad karma that runs away from you in fear. The first and the second ways are unreasonable.

19. However, Teachers say that it is better to move faster and to catch up karma, than to move slowly and lag behind. Remember all this when you will practice Kriya yoga.

20. When exercising Kriya Yoga you must find your own rhythm and remember that this rhythm will change as well. One day you'll want to move quickly and firmly, the other day you'll hardly move. Oh, glorious yogi, only a sense of inner harmony can tell to you, how to do it.

21. There will be no results without practice. Only by practicing you will achieve results and understand the meaning of Kriya yoga, yoga of action.

22. By practicing Kriya, you will realize that your mind, your body can be controlled. Use kriya to change yourself.

23. When practicing Kriya, As soon as you feel pain starts, sickness, or nausea, then you must slow down or stop Kriya practice. Pain and Kriya have nothing common. When there is pain there is no yoga. If there is yoga there is no pain.

24. By practicing Kriya, you will feel the warmth in different parts of the body, in the spine. Later you will notice the subtle energies, and after that you will get notion of the subtle energies the channels and the centers. Then you will feel the channels and centers as clearly as if you see them with your eyes.

25. In this kind of yoga you achieve everything from rough to fine. At first you will get the notion of rough feelings and later they will get finer and finer up to the subtle feelings.

26. You must know that every kriya has its own vibration, that can be heard as buzzing of the letters in a particular center. By practicing Kriya, you will begin to feel the vibration of the energy as a vibration of sound.

27. If you confirm in this vibration, by regenerating (reproducing) it, you get the impact of a kriya. We can pronounce it mentally or verbally and you will get an effect of the kriya from fine to rough.

28. By practicing Kriya, you will reach the state when the body does not bother you; when you practice and wish to continue; when your Mind does not give the orders, but it monitors, and meanwhile you observe the mind. It will help you to learn not to identify yourself with the Mind.

29. Whatever thoughts and feelings world come into your Mind, don’t get involved in them and do not push them away,  just observe them.

30. With the time there will be less and less thoughts and you will be completely in the state without any thoughts. Then you will become the Lord of thoughts.

31. You have to get your "Self" out of your bodies, thoughts and feelings as a sword from its scabbard. Destroy your karma by each action, grind it into the dust and the sand, like a millstone grinds the grain.

32. We can understand Kriya only when it is being practiced. Do not think about breathing, let it take care of itself. When you reach the perfection in Kriya, you will combine breathing and kriya. Thus, you will reach the happiness.

Oh, dear yogi, find about Kriya how exactly, when and how much to practice Kriya yoga.


Entry kriyas


Oh, dear Yogi, learn about entry kriyas.

Below there will be description of the entry Kriyas. Here, we introduced only four of them. Many Kriyas are out there, but we picked only four most necessary ones.

1. "Put your belly on the ground, hands - under the shoulders. Raise and lower your body with your hands, inhaling and holding your breath as long as it feels right. This way, you will dive deep into yourself. "

2. "Squat and stand up keeping hands in front of you. By squatting, let the sphere of energy move along your spine. "

3. "Bend forward and touch the ground with your hands. Repeat many times. Let the energy flow along the spine to your head and hands. "

4. "Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, lift your arms straight, parallel to the ground. Then bend at waist line and twist to the left and to the right many times. This will clear the way."

8.1 Basic Kriyas – Round 1

1. "Sit down on the ground; hold your right wrist with your left hand, lean forward. Touch the ground with your forehead, than straighten up. Repeat it many times. This will burn the sins, the central channel will shine.”

2. "Sit down on the ground; hold one palm with the other and put them ahead of you. Rotate your torso left and right. Repeat many times. This way, you will get to the breathless state and will understand the law of identification."

3. "Sit down on the ground; arch your back, like under weight of burdens. Then straighten up as if you have removed all of your worries and are aiming to rise."

4. "Sit down on the ground; gracefully bend to the left, then to the right. You can help yourself with your hands. Rotate the head with the motion, in the bending direction. This way you will become beautiful. "

5. "Sit down on the ground; tilt your head forward and backward. Repeat it many times. Send the energy through your upper back and neck. "

6. "Sit down on the ground; straighten your legs, lean forward and hold your ankles or toes with hands. Raise and lower your head and torso towards legs and knees. Repeat it many times. Send the energy through your back, the energy that breaks through all the obstacles."


7. "Sit down on the ground, straighten your legs. Bend forward and hold your toes or ankles with hands. Move the weight of your body from one leg to the other. Repeat it many times. Stretch the leg muscles, releasing the energy in your legs. "

8. " Sit down on the ground, straighten your legs.  Bend forward and hold your toes or ankles with hands. Raise and lower your head and torso towards your legs and knees. Repeat it many times. Send the energy through your back, the energy that breaks through all the obstacles."

9. "Sit down on the ground. Shake your body in all directions, like a stone in an empty jar. With this exercise, direct the energy to the central channel – like if you would loom rope into a tube."

10. "Lie down on your back, bend your knees, place your lower back between the feet. Move the lower part of your body up and down. Make her (energy) to wake up and pour her from one vessel into another, like precious ambrosia. "

11. "Lie down on your back, place your lower back between the feet. Move the lower part of your body up and down. Repeat it many times. Awake the energy by these impulses. "

12. "Get on your hands and knees, arch and round your back. Repeat it many times. Feel the heat in the spine. "

13. " Get on your hands and knees, lift your leg up sharply, as if it was a scorpion bite, then return the leg back. Repeat it many times."

14. "Do all the same with the other leg."

15. "Get on your knees, touch the ground with your forehead. Arch your back. Make Her (the energy) flow like a water stream. "

16. "Lie down on your bent knees, grab the wrist of one hand with your other hand, behind your back. Touch the ground with your forehead. Clear your mind. Erase the outside world from your mind. Renounce. Pull her, your Shakti, from the outside world. "

17. "Place your head on the ground, hug your head with your hands. Bend and strengthen your knees, toes can lift off the ground. Repeat it many times. You will master your own mind."

18. "Sit down between the feet on the ground. Straighten your back, neck and head. Lift and lower your body many times. This way, you will bring her, the destroyer of obstacles and sufferings, into the central channel. "

8.3 Second round of Kryia yoga, intermediate kriyas

1. "Sit down on the ground, bend your knees, hold your feet together with soles. Swing back and forth, this way you will release your legs and find the secret inner place of power."

2. "Sit down on the ground, bend your arms and touch your shoulders, move bended arms in circular forward motions, like a little bird who tries to take off. This will awake her, the goddess of wisdom in the heart centre. "

3. "Sit down on the ground, look at one point, rotate your head forming circles, tilting it forward, to the side and backward. This is an eye Kriya - Drishti Kriya, treating diseases of eyes and giving clarity ".

4. "Sit down on the ground, bend your arms and touch your shoulders, move bended arms in circular backwards motions."

5. "Sit down on the ground, look at one point, move your head in circles in the opposite direction than before. This is an eye Kriya ".

6. "Stand up straight on your feet, grab the wrist with a hand behind your back. Lean forward. Hold your legs and arms straight, when your hands are clasped behind your back. Do this as it was a lightning strike. Repeat it many times. This way, the energy of Life will flow through your legs, body and arms, sweeping away all barriers in its way. "

7. "Stand up on your feet, legs can be straight or bent a bit. Alternately get your arms behind your head in harsh movements. This will purify the left and right channels of your body. "

8. "Sit down on the ground, bend your arms and touch your shoulders. Alternately, move bended arms in circular forward motions, like a swimming turtle. "

9. "Sit down on the ground, look at one point, turn your head to the right, then to the left. This is an eye Kriya ".

10. " Sit down on the ground, bend your arms and touch your shoulders. Alternately, move bended arms in circular backward motions. This way, you will discover her (Shakti) at the centre of your chest."

11. "Stand up straight, grab the wrist of one hand with the other hand behind your back and strengthen your arms. Gently rotate your upper body to the left and to the right. Look in the same direction as your body turns. Do this many times, until it feels enough. This way, you will feel left and right channels."

12. "Stand up straight. Start jumping on one or both legs. Relax your whole body. This way you will attain endurance. This way you will release stressed channels and allow the free flow of vital energy through the body."

13. "Lie down on your back, hands behind your head. Lift your head with your hands and abdominal muscles and then lower back. Repeat it many times. This way you will eliminate all barriers in the neck and upper back, and she (Shakti) will reach the back of your head and fill your mind."

14. "Lie down on your stomach. Lean on your bent arms. Bend and straighten your legs. If you can, touvh with your heels or soles the base of your body. Repeat it many times. This way you will awake her inside your body. "

15. "Stand up, hands behind your head. Move your pelvis in circular motions. Find where she (Shakti) is, as all worlds turn around her. "

16. " Stand up, hands behind your head. Move your pelvis in circular motions in other direction. Complete the deed of self-knowledge."

8.4 Power Kriyas

1. "Sit on your heels, hag your legs. Swing on your back, back and forth. Repeat it many times. Sending her (Shakti) like a wave starting at the base of your body through the spine and neck to the head. "

2. "Lie down on your stomach, put the palms under the shoulders arch your back, neck and head backward, while helping with your hands. Repeat it many times. Make her (Shakti) to seep through your spine. "

3. "Lie down on your stomach, bend backwards; grab your ankles with the hands. Swing on the stomach, by using your hands and straightening the knees. Repeat it many times. This way you will start the fire of Shakti in the navel and clear it. "

4. "Lie down on your stomach, bend backwards; grab your ankles with the hands. Roll alternately to the left and to the right many times. This way, you will destroy barriers on her (Shakti) way and become the master. "

5. "Lie down on your stomach, put your hands under the thighs. Raise and lower your legs, while leaning on hands. Repeat it many times. Send her (Shakti) through your legs and heart."

6. "Lean on your hands and feet on the ground, bend your back, straighten your hands and legs, the way that your head is between the arms. Then bend your back backwards while keeping your legs straight on the ground and the back, neck and head is thrown back. Repeat it many times. This will bring the stagnated vital energy that’s found in your hands and legs to the spine. "

7. "Lie down on your stomach, clasp your hands behind your back. Raise and lower your upper body each time, you bend backwards, strengthen your arms. Repeat it many times. Send her through the heart centre, and neck. "

8. "Lie down on your stomach, bend your knees and grab your ankles with your hands. Straighten your legs, raise your upper body then return to the original position. Repeat it many times. This way, you will destroy all barriers. This way you will send the energy from your arms and legs and legs to the centre, behind the navel. "

9. "Lie down on your back, arms above the head or parallel to you. You can straighten your legs or keep them bent a bit. Lift your legs over your head and back to the ground. Repeat it many times. This way you will send her (Shakti) from the navel through the neck to the top of the head. "

10. "Sit down on bent knees. Grab the wrist of one hand with the other hand behind your back. Then kneel. Bend backwards. Look up. Keep your arms straight behind your back. Then return to the original position. Repeat it many times. This way you will guide the vital energy from the heart through the throat to the top of your head.

Last modified: Monday, 23 January 2017, 10:56 AM