Spring workshop

Spring workshop

от Елена Безникина -
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I was impressed by the spring workshop very much))) This is an incredible event! An inexhaustible source of Bhava! 
This is an amazing opportunity to be in a circle of like-minded people, to discuss yoga topics. 
After all, it is so rarely possible in ordinary life to talk freely about Karma that has accumulated during life in the bodies of animals, 
about the Vedas and other primary sources, about distant Ancestors and Teachers and an insane number of topics that you want to discuss, but uninvolved people avoid them.
It was a wonderful Yoga of kinship workshop! It is especially relevant to me, because at the moment a new Universe is developing in me. 
A large number of completely non-obvious issues were discussed. From the importance of procreation, raising children, relationships of relatives to physical aspects, in particular pregnancy and childbirth.
Maria Gayatri's lecture is just a delight! I got the impression that every word was said for me! The lecture is full of experience, knowledge, practical moments. It has everything that I lost sight of. 
After this workshop I analyzing various moments of life from the point of view of Yoga of kinship. The workshop is a place of strength, inspiration and development!